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What are the reasons for slag sticking in the ladle casting material? How to solve the solution of the pounding material manufacturer

2023-02-13 10:50:57

As a storage and transportation container for molten iron, the ladle is the main equipment for steel production and smelting, and its service life is closely related to the lining material and masonry method.

What are the reasons for slag sticking in the ladle casting material?

There are two ways to form slag sticking: one is chemical slag sticking. The molten iron and slag from the ramming material manufacturer are directly in contact with the molten iron ladle castable, and they fuse with each other, react with each other, and eventually merge into one, resulting in chemical slag sticking. The sticky slag in this way is difficult to clean, and the service life of the refractory material also ends after cleaning. Secondly, the physical sticky slag is caused by temperature drop, which is inevitable. The faster the quality of the refractory material, the turnover time of the ladle, and the simpler the process route through which the ladle passes, the less sticky slag is formed due to temperature drop in the ladle. So to solve the problem of slag sticking in molten iron ladle, it is necessary to control chemical slag sticking and minimize physical slag sticking. Therefore, the quality of the casting material used is an important factor affecting slag sticking.

The usual ingredient composition of acid resistant castable is: acid resistant refractory aggregate 60% -70%, powder 30% -40%, and an additional water glass solution with a density of 1.38-1.42g/cm 13% -16%. When sodium fluorosilicate is used as a hardening agent, its dosage is 10% -12% of the mass of the water glass solution.

Acid resistant castables are mainly used as aggregates in equipment, including silica, cast stone, wax stone, andesite, diabase, etc. The acid resistance of several raw materials used for pounding materials is as follows: cast stone 98%, silica greater than 97%, clay clinker 92%~97%, wax stone 92~96%, and andesite greater than 94%. The selection of raw materials depends on the application conditions.

Compared with other amorphous refractory materials of the same type, the ramming material is in a dry or semi dry loose state, and a dense structure is obtained by strong ramming. Only when heated to the sintering temperature can the bonding body have strength. After the ramming material is formed, different heating methods can be used to promote its hardening or sintering according to the hardening characteristics of the mixture.

If it contains inorganic chemical binders, it can be demolded and baked after self hardening to a considerable strength; For materials containing thermoplastic carbon additives, they should be cooled to a considerable strength before demolding. Before use, they should be quickly heated to cause coking; And without binders that harden at room temperature, they are often sintered with molds after compaction





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